Working with Objects

Dato Predictive Services host your models in a scalable REST-ful webservice. In addition to all GraphLab Create models, we support custom predictive objects for composing multiple Models and GraphLab Create data structures. With custom predictive objects, you can deploy arbitrary business logic on top of your models simply by defining a Python function. In this chapter we will demonstrate both the usage of a model as well as a Custom Predictive Object in a predictive service.

Let's train a GraphLab Create model. For the rest of this chapter we will utilize this model when interacting with Predictive Services.

data_url = ''
data = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv(data_url,delimiter='\t',column_type_hints={'rating':int})
model = graphlab.popularity_recommender.create(data, 'user', 'movie', 'rating')

Add a Predictive Object to the Deployment

The PredictiveService.add method stages a Predictive Object for deployment to the cluster.

ps.add('recs', model)

Now if you print the PredictiveService object there will be pending change for the newly added object.

print ps
Name                  : first
S3 Path               : s3://sample-testing/first
Description           : None
API Key               : b0a1c056-30b9-4468-9b8d-c07289017228
CORS origin           :
Global Cache State    : enabled
Load Balancer DNS Name:

Deployed predictive objects:
Pending changes:
    Adding: recs description:

To finish publishing this Predictive Object—a recommender model—call the apply_changes method. When you call this API, the pending predictive objects will be uploaded to S3, and the cluster will be notified to download them from S3.


Of course you can deploy more than one Predictive Object. The add API can be called repeatedly to deploy multiple predictive objects (models or custom predictive functions):

ps.add(name='sim_model', obj=item_similarity_model)
ps.add(name='fact_model', obj=factorization_model)

Each object can be queried explicitly and directly, using its name:

recs_sim = ps.query('sim_model',
                    data={'users': ['Jacob Smith']})
recs_fact = ps.query('fact_model',
                     data={'users': ['Jacob Smith']})

Each deployment of a Predictive Object creates an endpoint for the object, which can be queried directly through HTTP (assuming an example DNS name):

Update an existing Predictive Object

The predictive service's update method stages an existing Predictive Object for this deployment to be updated, which results in the object's version being incremented. Once apply_changes is called, the updated object will be proactively warmed in the distributed cache, and existing cached entries for this model will be expired and purged in 15 minutes. Using this method to update an existing object ensures rolling updates with zero downtime. By pre-emptively warming the cache you can be confident that latencies will not spike with popular requests during an update.

new_model = graphlab.recommender.create(...)
ps.update('recs', new_model)

Define a Custom Predictive Object

Often times, you want to be able to include some additional logic with your predictive model—you may want to combine results from multiple models and return a prediction; you my want to apply some transformations to the output of a model before returning; you may want to join your input data with other dataset(s) before passing it to the model. With GraphLab Create, it's easy to deploy your custom logic in a predictive service.

Let's look at an example. Suppose you want to take as input a product ID and recommend similar products to a user. You have already trained a nearest neighbor model that you want to use, but the input from your website is simply a product ID, so you need to join the product ID with other information in your database before feeding the product information to the model. Let's say we have an SFrame that captures production information:

import graphlab as gl
products = gl.SFrame({
    'id'        :[1,    2,    3],
    'name'      :['p1', 'p2', 'p3' ],
    'category'  :['c1', 'c2', 'c1']})

And we have trained a nearest neighbor model on the products:

nn_m = gl.nearest_neighbors.create(products, label='id')

Now in order to be able to take a product ID as input, query your nearest neighbor model and return similar products, you can define a custom query function:

def recommend_similar_products(product_id):
    ''' Takes product id and returns two similar products

    Input:  integer, product ID to query
    Output: a list of products that are similar to input product

    # find full product information by join with products
    # in reality, you may query from database or cache, etc.
    product_info = products.filter_by([product_id], 'id')

    # query 2 similar products, return format looks like
    # {'distance': 0.0, 'query_label': 0, 'rank': 1, 'reference_label': 1}
    neighbors = nn_m.query(product_info, k = 2)

    # add more product information and return
    return products.filter_by(neighbors['reference_label'], 'id')

Now add the custom Predictive Object to your predictive service with the add or update methods.

Given an existing predictive service deployment, and a handle to it (by way of a variable named ps), the snippet below demonstrates how you would add your own custom logic to the predictive service deployment:

ps.add('get-similar-products', recommend_similar_products,
       description='Get two similar products given a product id')

In fact, what we've done is simply to define a query function and add it to our predictive service deployment. Behind the scenes, that function is used to instantiate a Predictive Object.

Before you deploy your new custom query to production, it's a good idea to do a local test of the query using test_query. This method runs your query locally, but simulates the actual end-to-end flow of serializing inputs, running the query and returning the serialized result.

ps.test_query('get-similar-products', product_id=1)

After you are done, deploy to production and run the query:

ps.query('get-similar-products', product_id=1)

Like for a regular model you can use the HTTP endpoint directly to query the custom predictive object. In the POST body you reference the API key as well as the method's parameter name and value:

curl -X POST -d '{"api_key": "b0a1c056-30b9-4468-9b8d-c07289017228",
                  "data": { "product_id": 1 }

To help the consumer of your custom query, the doc string for your query is automatically extracted from your custom query function. You can get the doc string back via the describe API:

print ps.describe('get-similar-products')
Takes product id and returns two similar products

    Input:  integer, product ID to query
    Output: a list of products that are similar to input product

To list all currently deployed predictive objects, you can use the following API:

print ps.deployed_predictive_objects
{'recommender_one': 2, 'recommender_two': 1}
Type Considerations for Custom Predictive Objects

Parameters that are passed to or returned by a Custom Predictive Object need to be JSON serializable. This requirement puts a restriction on possible types for such parameters, especially if you use a Python package that returns non uniform float types (like numpy.float64).

Logging in a Custom Predictive Object

You may want to do some custom logging in your Custom Predictive Object. We inject a log method into your function just for this purpose. Any information logged using this function would automatically be written to a custom log file. The log file is rotated periodically and shipped to the same S3 log location you specified when creating your predictive service, exactly like the query and feedback logs (see Logging and Feedback).

Here is an example of logging from within your custom method:

def my_query(param1, param2):
    # log the information
    my_query.log(info='some information')
    # other logic continues

If you want to inspect the custom log immediately, you can call the predictive service's flush_logs method to force logs to be shipped to your S3 log path.

To consume the log, see the Logging and Feedback section in this user guide.

Removing a Predictive Object

To remove a Predictive Object from your deployment, simply call the remove method, which takes the name of the object to be removed as a parameter. Like the add method, this has the effect of staging a change, but it will not take affect until apply_changes is called.

For example, the following command will remove a previously added Predictive Object with the name get-similar-products:


Note that this call will fail if the model is referred to by a policy or an alias (see chapter about experimentation). You can find out whether such a dependency exist by calling PredictiveService.get_endpoint_dependencies.