Suppose our text data is currently arranged into a single file, where each line of that file contains all of the text in a single document. Here we can use SFrame.read_csv to parse the text data into a one-column SFrame.
import os
if os.path.exists('wikipedia_w16'):
sf = graphlab.SFrame('wikipedia_w16')
sf = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('', header=False)'wikipedia_w16')
X1 str
Rows: 72269
| X1 |
| alainconnes alain connes i ... |
| americannationalstandardsi ... |
| alberteinstein near the be ... |
| austriangerman as german i ... |
| arsenic arsenic is a metal ... |
| alps the alps alpen alpi a ... |
| alexiscarrel born in saint ... |
| adelaide adelaide is a coa ... |
| artist an artist is a pers ... |
| abdominalsurgery the three ... |
| ... |
[72269 rows x 1 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
Both SFrames and SArrays expose functionality that can be very useful for
manipulating text data. For example, one common preprocessing task for text
data is to transform it into "bag-of-words" format: each document is
represented by a map where the words are keys and the values are the number of
occurrences. So a document containing the text "hello goodbye hello" would be
represented by a dict
type element containing the value {"hello": 2,
. This transformation can be accomplished with the following
bow = graphlab.text_analytics.count_words(sf['X1'])
We can print five of the words in the first document
['and', 'work', 'baumconnes', 'gold', 'almost']
and find the documents that contain the word "gold":
We can save this representation of the documents as another column of the original SFrame.
sf['bow'] = bow
Another useful representation for text data is called TF-IDF (term frequency - inverse document frequency). This is a modification of the bag-of-words format where the counts are transformed into scores: words that are common across the document corpus are given low scores, and rare words occurring often in a document are given high scores.
$$ \mbox{TF-IDF}(word, document) = N(word, document) * log(1/\sum_d N(word, d))) $$
where N(w, d) is the number of times word w occurs in document d. This transformation can be done to an SArray of dict type containing documents in bow-of-words format using tf_idf.
sf['tfidf'] = graphlab.text_analytics.tf_idf(sf['bow'])
The BM25 score is yet another useful representation for text data. It scores each document in a corpus according to the document's relevance to a particular query. For a query with terms $$q_1, \ldots, q_n$$, the BM25 score for document $$d$$ is:
$$ \mbox{BM25}(d) = \sum{i=1}^n IDF(q_i) \frac{f(q_i) (k_1+1)}{f(q_i) + k_1 (1-b+b*|D|/d{avg}))}
$$ where:
- $$f(q_i)$$ is the number of times term $$q_i$$ occurs in document $$d$$,
- $$|D|$$ is the number of words in document $$d$$,
- $$d_{avg}$$ is the average number of words per document,
- $$b$$ and $$k_1$$ are free parameters for Okapi BM25,
The first quantity in the sum is the inverse document frequency. For a corpus with $$N$$ documents, inverse document frequency for term $$q_i$$ is:
$$ \mbox{IDF}(q_i) = \log \frac{N - N(q_i) + 0.5}{N(q_i) + 0.5}
$$ where $$N(q_i)$$ is the number of documents in the corpus that contain term $$q_i$$.
The transformed output is a column of type float with the BM25 score for each document. For more details on the BM25 score see
query = ['beatles', 'john', 'paul']
bm25_scores = graphlab.text_analytics.bm25(dataset, query)
Text cleaning
We can easily remove all words do not occur at least twice in each document using SArray.dict_trim_by_values.
docs = sf['bow'].dict_trim_by_values(2)
GraphLab Create also contains a helper function called stopwords that returns a list of common words. We can use to remove these words from the documents as a preprocessing step. NB: Currently only English words are available.
docs = docs.dict_trim_by_keys(graphlab.text_analytics.stopwords(), exclude=True)
To confirm that we have indeed removed common words, e.g. "and", "the", etc, we can examine the first document.
{'academy': 5,
'algebras': 2,
'connes': 3,
'differential': 2,
'early': 2,
'geometry': 2,
'including': 2,
'medal': 2,
'operator': 2,
'physics': 2,
'sciences': 5,
'theory': 2,
'work': 2}
For an SArray of strings, where each row is assumed to be a natural English language document, the tokenizer transforms each row into an ordered list of strings that represents the a simpler version of the Penn-Tree-Bank-style (PTB-style) tokenization of that row's document. For many text analytics tasks that require word-level granularity, simple space delimitation does not address some of the subtleties of natural langauge text especially with respect to sentence-final punctuation, contractions, URL's, email addresses, phone numbers and other quirks. The representation of a document provided by PTB-style of tokenization is essential for sequence-tagging, parsing, bag-of-words treatment, and any text analytics task that requires word-level granularity. For a description of this style of tokenization, see
tokenized_docs = graphlab.text_analytics.tokenize(docs['X1'])
Note that our tokenizer does not normalize quote and bracket-like characters as described by the linked document.